Nail technicians, while crafting beauty, must also prioritize their respiratory safety

Nail technicians, while crafting beauty, must also prioritize their respiratory safety

face mask from taiwan

In the dazzling stage of nail artistry, we strive to create perfect fingertip masterpieces, yet we also face the challenge of grinding dust in the work environment.

Numerous research reports highlight the dust and solvent odors in nail salon environments, significantly impacting the respiratory health of nail technicians. Their occupational risks rank among the highest, prompting strong recommendations in these reports. In addition to installing dust extraction systems, it is strongly advised for nail technicians to wear guest protection masks of at least N95 grade to safeguard their health.

During the nail application process, nail dust particles float in the air, posing potential respiratory hazards. Beyond particles, there is a risk of microbial and bacterial contamination. Resins used in nail applications contain various chemical aerosol particles, and standard medical masks provide inadequate protection against such airborne pollutants. N95 masks are also ineffective in adsorbing oily particles. Given the cumulative inhalation risks from prolonged work, nail technicians require P95 or FFP2-grade masks in their work environment.

Our MicroGuard face mask from taiwan utilizes thin film filtration, effectively blocking both grinding particles and oily particles, ensuring comfortable and easy breathing. It is washable and reusable, allowing you to focus on creating beautiful art while balancing creativity and health. In your work, the MicroGuard mask provides a clean, pollution-free environment.